Few things are as beautiful as when children learn something amazing. They get all bright eyed. They become eager to discover more of our big, beautiful world. That’s as real as it gets.
Oakwood Homes passion for building extends beyond homes and communities into the world of education. For more than twenty years, Buildstrong Education® strives for smarter ways to give Reunion children and all Oakwood Homes community the strongest educational resources around. It’s a culmination of listening and learning from everything school districts, community leaders, and parents experienced. BuildStrong supports initiatives Colorado-wide, including 27K and charter schools specifically made for Reunion and Commerce City.
Buildstrong Education celebrates many achievements.
• Awarded more than $4 million in grants toward new school development, school improvement and student and family support initiatives across the Front Range.
• Created the Colorado Homebuilding Academy to train future builders and skilled trades for the residential construction business.