Five Socially-Distanced Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
Posted on 29 Jan 2021
This Valentine’s Day in Denver may look slightly different from previous years. While reservations at a crowded restaurant or bar may not be an option, you’ll still find many fun and festive ways to celebrate the holiday with your partner. Read on for our list of five creative date night ideas.
Takeout Taco Tasting
Getting takeout from a restaurant is no longer classified as a “special occasion” in 2021. Shake up your routine by setting up a taco tasting! Prep the dinner table (or a romantic backyard picnic setup) with tasting cards, a margarita shaker, and adorable place settings — then set out on a “tour de taco” with your loved one by getting a range of tacos from multiple establishments. Once you’ve tried them all, you can pick your favorites for future occasions!
Get Tickets to a Virtual Show
Throughout the course of the pandemic, theaters have become creative with ways to ensure that “the show must go on.” Virtual productions are an innovative opportunity to check your favorite shows off the bucket list. Want to go all out? Create a night at the theatre experience by getting gussied up in your finest attire, dimming the lights, and sharing the experience of that must-see musical together.
Venture into the Great Outdoors
When you buy a home at Reunion, one of the many perks is its prime location — easy access to Colorado’s many mountainous trails are just a short drive from home. Pack a romantic picnic and set out to your favorite trail, or find a new hike to explore together — then stop under the perfect tree to enjoy local craft brews, fine meats and cheeses, and, of course, dessert! If you want to stick closer to home, Reunion has miles of parks and trails right outside your front door.
Sign Up for a Virtual Cooking Class
Take your dinner menu up a notch with an online culinary class. Not only is this an exciting bonding experience, but the result will be a delicious and unique meal to enjoy together — and something you can be proud of! Oakwood Homes features spacious kitchens and modern appliances to make for fun and effortless date nights.
Double Date
If a double date is more your style, phone a friend and set up a virtual game night over Zoom. Prep your game room with popcorn, drinks, and your favorite online games, or crank up the music and have a dance party. The night is yours to enjoy with your other favorite people, spending the evening together even though you’re apart.
No matter how you choose to celebrate this Valentine’s Day, every day feels like a holiday in a Reunion home. Explore the community and find your next dream home here.