Sustainable Spring Cleaning Tips for a Fresh Home and Clean Planet
Posted on 17 Mar 2023
Spring cleaning is far more than a symbolic gesture where we put away the laundry of one season to make room for another — experts have found a plethora of tangible health benefits
to this annual practice. When we tidy our physical space, it can inspire us to cut out what no longer serves us (including any unhealthy relationships with food and gadgets that we may have developed during our months of winter hibernation). Spring cleaning also positively affects our ability to focus, relaxes our overall mood, and motivates us towards a healthier lifestyle and more exercise. Since cleaning is contagious, why not take it a step further and keep the earth clean as well? This season, freshen up your Reunion home — and your community — with these sustainable tips on practicing a more eco-friendly form of spring cleaning.
Donate, Don’t Throw Away
When we declutter, we often find ourselves delving into memories and feelings triggered by our objects. This can have a cathartic effect and give us a sense of control as we regain power over our relationships with them. Instead of sending those old clothes to a landfill, this year try donating them to one of Colorado’s many Arc Thrift Stores. Conveniently located all over the Front Range — with the nearest less than 15 miles away from Reunion in Thornton — The Arc is a homegrown operation that donates all sales to help those with intellectual and developmental disabilities acquire special education assistance and job training. Freeing up storage space in your home and supporting your fellow Coloradans at the same time? Now that’s what we call a win/win!
Improve Your Air Quality with Plants
We know the new season has officially arrived when it’s warm enough to turn off the purifier, throw open the windows, and take that first deep breath of fresh spring air: Ahhh! While an air purifier can ensure your breathing remains high-quality during the winter — and can be a great kindness to those with allergies if you have indoor pets — let the lovely weather be your cue to bring more oxygen and toxin reduction into your life by adding some green to your scene. A quick trip to Pinnacle Garden in Brighton for some succulents or snake plants could be just the greenery you need to naturally improve your air quality. Even better? Flora like this requires so little light or water that you don’t have to worry about giving them the right amount of love or attention to feel the benefits. Maybe you had a green thumb this entire time and you didn’t even realize it — you just need to find the perfect plants to fit your lifestyle.
Start A Compost Pile
In 2021, Colorado landfilled a staggering six million tons of food material — roughly 95% of which could have been recycled or composted. In fact, the average Coloradan landfills over 2,000 pounds of material per year. That’s nearly 1,000 pounds more than the national average! Which means it may be time to explore composting, and spring is the ideal time to start a compost pile as warmer temperatures swiftly break down organic matter. You may actually be able to make reusable compost in less than 21 days to lay the groundwork for your own garden! If you’ve not yet experienced this gratifying circle of life, the EPA has an excellent guide to get you going.
Change Up Your Recycling Habits
While most of us keep a bin at home, there are plenty of other ways we can quickly improve our recycling habits. Do you have a pile of bills stacked somewhere that need your attention? Once you’ve finished dealing with the stack, why not use your spring cleaning bug to sign up for paperless billing? Most companies offer the option and set-up on their websites, and you’ll be thankful not to have this particular clutter causing you anxiety. Similarly, if you turn up any old electronics in your decluttering, simply throwing them away with the rest of the trash can be hazardous. Best Buy’s fantastic recycling program has already recycled over 2.5 billion tons of e-waste and appliances — and with the nearest location just ten miles away from Reunion, it’s easy to take the extra step this season to make a difference.
Spring cleaning is all about turning over a new leaf. As the green begins to grow back, you’re sure to enjoy improving things around your Reunion home as we remember that our world is one worth investing the time and energy to protect! If you want to be a part of a special community full of people who love the earth as much as their neighbors, get in touch with us to take your first steps toward a new home.